Current Admins

This may change, but for now:


ZingZapZong (aka Zohan)



*Zwii is on probation for his recent behavior and letting the server slip into disrepute






Junior Admin:



If people wonder what it takes to be an admin, look at how our Co-Owners behave (except for Zwii). Each one was a regular player who grew into their roles over time by being good and epic builders, showing respect for other players and helping those in need, and above all, not one of them asked for a promotion.



Rank Changes

There have been too many admins making too many bad choices. So we are doing a re-set.

As I’ve said on here before, there are really only 3 ranks as far as I’m concerned: Admins, Creative, Survival.

Everyone starts in Survival mode. I play hardcore survival all the time in single player, so I have very little sympathy for those who can’t do survival here.

When a player comes on often, is known by other players, and builds a lot, they can earn the right to be Creative.

Creative is all the is needed for most players. The next level up is Admin. Admin is not a reward or a prize. Admin is a RESPONSIBILITY. It is for people that care deeply about the server, want the server to run smoothly, and spend as much time helping others as they do working on their own things.

There are different levels of Admins to give people a chance to learn the role and responsibilities.

Because of recent events, and since I don’t know many of the people on the server, I have demoted many admin level players to the rank of Moderator. Moderator is Creative without the responsibility.

Some players may be demoted more, while others may be promoted back up. I will be making a new post with the current Admins on the server.

Ban power is being reserved for Senior Admins and above. No one will be allowed to ban a player of Creative rank or higher without my permission.

If anyone feels they have been hard done, post on our website. I do go over it. Post more than once if I haven’t responded–sometimes the server gets a lot of spam emails.


ZwiiCraft down for attitude readjustment

Recently, certain players, including owner Zwiidaman, have been demonstrating a serious lack of respect for other players. This is not cool, nor will I tolerate it.

New ZwiiCraftSMP is down until there is a sustained attitude readjustment. Folks can go to other servers and misbehave and act however they want. But I will not allow this to continue on my server.

So shall it be written. So shall it be done.

All Hail Herobrine!
